Erik Hanberg - Visit Reflection

Erik Hanberg is an entrepreneur based in Tacoma, Washington with a wide variety business experiences and skills. He’s the Metro Parks Tacoma Commissioner, he renovated the business structure of a long-standing theater, and, most prominently, he has written and published several books which span multiple genres.

Erik’s writing began with the sci-fi novels “The Lattice Trilogy”. He was happy with these early works and they sold relatively well, but he soon decided to branch out to writing non-fiction books for a hyper-specific audience of company board members. He eventually looked back on this decision thinking it might have been best to stick with the profitable, exciting sci-fi books. His newer non-fiction books were very helpful to a small set of individuals but didn’t have the same broad appeal and so didn’t sell as well.

One of Erik’s biggest regrets now surrounding his book business is his choice to use the same author name for all his books across different genres. Currently, when readers search for his name on Good Reads or Amazon, mystery, sci-fi, and business books all appear. He is now planning to distinguish his writings in distinct genres under different pennames to avoid confusion as people search for more books of his to read.

These books and publishing business are an example of leveraging what Erik called “multiplier skills”. These are broadly useful and scarce skills that give anyone in edge in what they do, such as writing, design, marketing, and psychology. Erik explained that a tried a true way to start a business is to have developed skills in one of these areas and publish related content, often online.
